welcome to



bending the ethereal realm to make manifest your most authentic form of expression


If you have been holding onto lower 

energy expressions, such as:

– anger – sadness – resentment – shame – guilt – depression – feeling of loneliness – lack of purpose – confusion in living –


or are seeking:

 + a more meaningful life + lightness + 

+ true and full expression + purpose + love +


I encourage you to read on.

The third pillar of the breathwork modalities Ethereality offers is focused on freedom techniques. These sacred modalities put the practitioner into a non-ordinary state, with clients often experiencing deep emotional and energetic movements, transcendental states, and releasing old patterns, traumas, and beliefs.  On the other end, they find freedom in their realities, showing up as a more authentic form of expression and shining as their true self.


We so often try to ‘think’ ourselves out of problems and patterns no longer serving us, and you and I both know that this is a very arduous and ineffective approach to accomplishing this. Months of coaching and therapy MAY get you there, but it is through the power of the breath that we can get beyond the 5% thinking mind and address the 95% of us residing in the subconscious, very often within just ONE session.


The breathing pattern employed and the container held within these sessions allows the user to temporarily turn off the thinking mind, and tap into the subconscious. It is here where we can meet energies, emotions, traumas, and somatic expressions head on.  There may darkness and shadows that you will have to confront and face; and on the other side is always relief, a beautiful light, and liberation. This allows the practitioner to process, express, and expel them fully, and finally putting them to rest.  In other words, a cathartic release where purging of stagnant energy allows for the intake of more conscious energy and light.


My goal as a facilitator is to hold safe, sacred, and nurturing space in your journey to see you through to the other side.  I take this matter very seriously as we are dealing with powerful transformations, and your wellbeing and safety is of the utmost importance to me.  My approach is to educate and prepare you before our journey, guide you through a freedom session, and follow up with post-session grounding, integration, and coaching.


I put 100% faith and confidence in this breathwork modality, KNOWING and FEELING that by experiencing this modality firsthand many times, and seeing the transformations of my clients, that it will shift your reality into such a more meaningful, fulfilled, and loving experience of the human experience.


Arrive early, be open-minded, ideally having last ate 2+ hours prior.  Have time carved out the following day/days to integrate fully


+ yoga mat + blanket + eye mask+ lip balm +

+ water + journal + any meaningful trinkets +


+ sessions generally last two hours +

+ location/date/time will be shared with those committed to the practice +

+ price varies, but ranges from $>44 +