about us

Ethereality Lifestyle Design provides lifestyle design and coaching services fueled by immersive nature experiences and a holistic approach. Our services are geared towards those in any type of transitionary phase, providing them to self-actualize, find their true purpose in life, and integrate back into nature and community

Our Mission

To provide insightful guidance and bolster an environment of self-actualization, conscious personal development, connection with nature and community, and to share your unique abilities with the world.

Our Values

Our overarching values are those that ideally reflect or resonate with what you adopt as your own.  Values and qualities such as authenticity, vulnerability, curiosity, a personal drive to achieve more, creating meaningful goals and actions, connection to community, and helping others do the same.

The target audience for Ethereality Lifestyle Design is suited for anyone who has a heartbeat and breathes air.  However, it relies on a unique individual who is striving for something more in life, desiring a more rewarding situation that creates abundance, happiness, and satisfaction.  Specifically, ELD would have the most impact on those in a transitionary phase (divorce, break up, between jobs, out of school/ graduation, death of a loved one, sobriety, addictions, etc).


Specifically, we specialize in consulting our clients in an “inside-out” structured program.  This begins as an “inside-job” where the client first takes stock of their present situation.  ELD guides the client into self-discovery and to reestablish a mind-body connection, personal physiology, and to truly “know thyself”.  This is achieved, among other ways, through renunciation, creating space, and most importantly, getting back into nature.  Once the client has returned to their roots and fortified their foundation, we then look to the external and integrate back into the surrounding community and nature.  This includes participation in various organized groups, volunteer work, and community service.

Ethereality Lifestyle Design was created to guide individuals into achieving satisfaction, fulfillment, and a higher purpose in life alongside connection with nature and society. There are three tenets that ELD is based off of, and these are:

Nature Connected Coaching

+ allows you to down regulate, slow down, and listen within
+ foundational in managing relationships with self and the world around us
+ allows you to get grounded, reconnect with nature, and in turn self-actualize
+ create homeostasis within to begin manifesting without
+ nature connection exercises such as meditation, breathing, and reflection while outdoors

Lifestyle Design and Personal Development
+ discover and gain clarity on what you truly want in life and your authentic purpose
+ close the gap between where you are now and what you truly want
+ begin creating this future, ideal lifestyle now
+ dedicating coaching with actionable goals created by you

Service to Community and Mindful Impact on the Environment
+ discover something bigger than yourself
+ share these unique gifts with the world
+ give back to community through acts of service

+ leave no trace principles and awareness of the impact on the environment